Traducción de
El objetivo de Struts2 es simple: facilitar el desarrollo de aplicaciones web. Para conseguir esto reduce la configuración en archivos de tipo XMLs utilizando @notaciones y configuraciones por convención o defecto.
Las "acciones (Actions)" de Struts 1 ahora son POJOs, es decir son clases java que no heredan ni implementan clases ni interfaces. Con ello evidentemente, no nos ligamos a dicho framework y facilita el testeo en aislamiento.
Por otro lado la conversión de valores que introduce el usuario en los formularios, se contempla de forma "automatizada", es decir que se convierte al tipo de dato que lo va a encapsular.
Se contempla igualmente la inyección de dependencias con el plugin de Spring
El renderizado a través de JSPs ....
- Action based framework
- Mature with a vibrant developer and user community
- Annotation and XML configuration options
- POJO-based actions that are easy to test
- Spring, SiteMesh and Tiles integration
- OGNL expression language integration
- Themes based tag libraries and Ajax tags
- Multiple view options (JSP, Freemarker, Velocity and
- Plug-ins to extend and modify framework features
I have the same issue using JBoss Tools. I have solved this by editing the MANIFEST.MF file in the ejb sub-project. Remove the reference to jboss-seam.jar. Then add this back to your build path manually. Now redeploy and you should be good to go.
On my machine I have this issue with both 1.5 and 1.6 JDKs, but I'll admit that I have a lot of various tools and its possible that somehow the project generation tools are still finding a 1.6 JDK, but I don't think so. I've tried everything I can think of, but I in the end this is a serious shortcoming of the jboss tools that they do not yet support 1.6. Not sure what they are waiting for with 1.5 going end of life next summer. They have support slated for Tools 3.0, but looking at the Jira for that project is not encouraging.